Kopers-en-Kwekers Blog

Next step in real-time pricing for weekly lists

2 minutes
Gepost op 25-10-2023
door Laura Nowee

Together with growers and buyers, we started working towards a workable solution on real-time pricing in the plant trade. This will allow growers to better respond to current market conditions and provide buyers with greater security of supply. After several conversations with the market, we made an announcement earlier this year. In this article, we give an update on the status.

Meetings with growers and buyers

Together with the industry, we are working through the situation in terms of advantages, disadvantages and technical and practical challenges. We talked to each other about the current operation, the new situation with real-time pricing, how orders flow and what is needed for this. For instance, in the new situation, prices should flow through to the web shop on a one-to-one basis and orders can be transferred directly to the grower where they will be cumulated and sorted according to delivery time.

Tijdens gezamenlijke bijeenkomsten hebben er open, constructieve en stevige discussies plaatsgevonden over nut en noodzaak van realtime prijzen en welke spelregels zouden moeten gelden als dit ingevoerd wordt. De deelnemers van de sessies begrepen dat we hiernaar onderweg zijn, maar zien ook nog wat vraagstukken, zoals:

  • The frequency of being able to make changes
  • Accumulating orders
  • Different prices at the same delivery time
  • Notification in case of price changes
  • Live stock and booking out

Continued process

We will now elaborate on the various topics and discuss this in a future session. This will involve all concerned parties meeting again to discuss. In this way, we work together on the right arrangements to ensure that the benefits for everyone are maximised. Through news releases, we will provide updates on the follow-up process.

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