Using the latest techniques, we aim to enhance our users' trade opportunities now and in the future. For example, handling direct delivery is now possible via Floriday instead of Connect-EAB. From 1 July, a fee will therefore apply for using the old message standard. Qualily also switched to that direct delivery via Floriday; Martijn Kwakernaat tells us about it.
Martijn started at Qualily as a schoolboy at 15. Seventeen years later, he is still working at Qualily, now as a sales manager. Qualily was formed in 2000 by a collaboration of two lily growers and in recent years grew to a 12-hectare greenhouse farm with an annual production of some 20 million lilies. They grow about 15 main products at four production sites. They also have a refrigerated location at Royal FloraHolland Naaldwijk. Martijn: "From our hub in Naaldwijk, we distribute our products directly to customers or to the clock so that our growing locations can focus on cultivation."
Operating day trading
Qualily trades around 65% of lilies directly. "Our sales are mainly to wholesalers and florist-oriented buyers. We have no retail agreements; it is mainly day trading that we serve. About 35 per cent of our sales go to the clock. The clock serves as a shop window and with the clock we also see a clientele that does not buy in via direct. We do the allocation direct versus clock based on data. I am working every day to sell our trade in the best possible way," Martijn says.
"Everything from the package"
For commercial processes, Qualily works with the 9 Knots Solutions software package Greenmaster. "Basically, we do everything in Greenmaster. This package is linked to Floriday. In Floriday itself, we only adjust the clock presale price and occasionally receive enquiries or send offers."